Greyhounds of Fairhaven

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July 2004
Halfway through the year, and still adding events!

Yikes! After the growth of last year, we expected things to calm down a bit. Instead, we've added three new events to this year's calendar. Two are already done, May in the Meadows and Renaissance in the Pines. Another will be coming up in early November, the Doņa Ana Arts Council Renaissance Craftfaire. This latest faire expands our circuit into New Mexico. We had a fabulous time at the previous two new additions, and we're really looking forward to this latest addition. Our faire count for this year will be seven, accounting for 14 weekends.

To support our additional events, we've been adding to and improving our encampment. RITP saw the first use of our "period x-pen", a portable wooden picket fence for containing our hounds off-lead. San Diego will see improvements to our pavilion in the form of two large canopy flys. These will increase the area under cover, which was getting crowded, and hopefully will cut down on the heat that can build up on calm, sunny days. We also have a new, smaller pavilion coming (thanks to the generous contribution of our resident merchant marine, Captain Jack Sparrow), but we don't know if it will arrive in time for San Diego. This will give us more living space, as well as provide an option for small events.

This year has also provided us the opportunity to work with the Arizona Renaissance Guild, a new group of Ren enthusiasts who are working hard to encourage Ren faire participation in Arizona. They've been a blast to work with, and we look forward to doing so in the future.

And certainly one of the more exciting things to happen - early this year we received our federal 501(c)3 status!

January 2004
2003: The Year in Review

This past year has made all previous ones pale in comparison. With our eighth year at Arizona Renaissance Faire under our belts, we proceeded to perform at four other faires: California City, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Devonshire (Phoenix). We obtained a very nice pavilion, as well as other period furnishings for our encampment. We have continued to receive highly favorable responses from the faires we participate in, and from the patrons at those faires.

It appears that the coming year will also be quite busy, with invitations to perform at two more faires. Additionally, our incorporation as a 501(c)3 non-profit is proceeding, and should be complete in the coming months. We anticipate this will assist us in collecting funds to distribute to Greyhound adoption groups.

July 2003
Our first fund-raising auction.

In order to continue expanding our visibility and participation at various events, we purchased a large pavilion (tent) in which to do our presentations. To help offset the cost of the pavilion, we held an online auction. We wish to send a huge THANK YOU to those who donated items to our auction, as well as to those who bid on items. The auction was a grand success, and all extra money raised was donated to greyhound adoption groups.

16 December 2002
We're Published!

Our members were invited to provide an article on Greyhound adoption at Renaissance Faires by the editor in chief of Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine. Our article can be found on page 23 of the Winter 2002 issue. Huzzah!

December 2002
2002: The Year in Review.

The past year has been unusually busy, and overwhelmingly successful for the Greyhounds of Fairhaven. In addition to performing for our seventh year at the Arizona Renaissance Festival, we performed at the San Diego Renaissance Festival for the second year, and the Las Vegas Festival for our first year. We have been overwhelmed by the favorable response of both patrons and performers alike. Our booth/encampments were always jammed with patrons asking about adoptions, and fellow performers just getting a little "fur therapy".

And, in keeping with our ever-expanding schedule, it looks like the coming year will be even busier than the past. We've been invited to two additional events, and have already received invitations to return to those we performed at this year.

December 2002
GoF in Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine!

Our members were asked to provide an article on promoting Greyhound adoption by the editors of Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine. With an offer like that, how could we resist. Look for our article in the Winter 2002 edition of CG magazine.


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